Aaron Ransley

Aaron Ransley

Whew. This is a tough one for me.

For some context, I work at an advertising agency that specializes in high-visibility, "boutique" digital experiences. That is to say, high-budget websites. I am a Senior Developer focused on frontend development, working alongside ~8 other developers with varying specializations and backgrounds.

But back to the topic at hand: how do I find a sense of positive impact? Positive impact on the agency I work for; positive impact on the clientele for a given project; positive impact even on the world?

I occasionally have the privilege of working on a project with noble aspirations; a desire to address the injustices of the world. This is rare. Most often, I feel at-odds with the values that many clients bring to the table, and in turn I feel at-odds with contributing to their success.

From private equity firms run by old-money millionaires, to exorbitantly priced hotels, retreats or resorts, there is a distinct impression that these companies and organizations do not exist to better our planet or society, but instead exist chiefly to turn a profit from those with disposable income to spare.

To further complicate things, these projects stand in stark contrast with the immense joy and fulfillment I feel when helping fellow team members. Whether it is through building a new technology or tool that improves their day-to-day life; through teaching and mentoring; or by advocating for a teammate, this kind of work is at the core of what I feel to be impactful.

When the cards fall in such a way that my chief responsibility for given project is not "build the site so the client is happy, don't think too much about the company behind the curtain", I come alive with a sense of pride and belief that my work is creating the impact this company value speaks to. In other contexts, this is not so much the case.

But it is still such a mystery to me... These questions have been keeping me up at night lately.

And so I'm writing this to see if there are others out there who feel the same way; who have the same questions or perhaps have walked this path before. What are your solutions, your technologies, your mindsets? I would love to know how you find a sense of impact in the vast landscape of web development.

Please reach out if you have thoughts you would like to share. You can find me on Twitter as @aaronransley, or shoot me an email.
